K Value
Firstly k value indicates the ability of a material to conduct heat.
K value. K value synonyms k value pronunciation k value translation english dictionary definition of k value. Materials with low thermal conductivities do not easily allow heat energy to pass through. K value is simply shorthand for thermal conductivity. The time rate of steady state heat flow through a unit area of a homogeneous material induced by a unit temperature gradient in a direction perpendicular to that unit area.
Normally you would look for a material with a low k value to insulate as this will keep the cool inside your building. Patients with diabetes mellitus and an elevated fasting blood glucose value have unequivocally low k values generally in the range of 0 3 0 5 per minute. Values in the range 1 0 1 05 are considered borderline. K value or k value may refer to.
The force constant of a spring see hooke s law. Analysis provides a methodology for studying different factors that affect the size of a biological population. Vapor liquid equilibrium the ratio of vapor concentration to liquid concentration at equilibrium. The relative permittivity κ.
The astm standard c168 on terminology defines the term as follows.